One of the nice things about a road trip is you often get to see something that really surprises you. A recent trip through Texas may have resulted in my second most surprising sighting. There’s a strange tower that looks oddly like a Tesla tower in the middle of rural Texas, right off the main interstate. What is it? Although Google did answer the question — sort of — I’m still not sure how legitimate its stated purpose is.
I was driving between Wimberly and Frisco — two towns that aren’t exactly household names outside of Texas. Near Milford, there’s a very tall structure that looks like a giant mechanical mushroom on top of a grain silo. If the mushroom were inverted or pointing towards the horizon, it would be easy to imagine it was some very odd antenna. This dish, however, is pointed right down its own odd-shaped mast. The top of the thing sure looks like the top of a Van de Graf generator.
Of course, Google found a wealth of information on it. I’m not sure if I totally believe it or not, though. But the Van de Graf generator guess might not have been far off. The tower belongs to a company called Viziv Technologies. They claim they are doing experiments to transmit energy wirelessly — very much what Tesla was trying to do with his Wardenclyffe tower.
In fact, pictures of Wardenclyffe look suspiciously similar to the Texas tower. Here’s where it gets interesting though. While it might be ironic to read this on a web site: don’t believe everything you read on the internet.
The internet is a wealth of information. Some of it is true. The problem is sorting out which is true and which isn’t. Sometimes that’s easy in both directions. I can’t tell you the exact years Ronald Regan was in office, but I remember enough that if I read it was from 1981 to 1989 that sounds about right. If I read he started in 1820 or he was president for 30 years, I’d probably realize that was inaccurate.
Then there are the things that are just clearly not true. The Earth is flat. Nazis escaped to the dark side of the moon. But the real difficulty is the stories that seem outlandish but could be true.
Consider the time-traveling story about John Titor. His predictions didn’t pan out — not exactly — so probably a hoax, but at the time it could have been plausible. Cold fusion’s initial claims sounded good and many people still think they are able to produce it, but it is just fringe enough that it is hard to tell serious science from chicanery.
Wireless power transmission is pretty squarely in that camp. Like cold fusion, it isn’t a totally outlandish idea. Tesla thought he could do it and he was a pretty smart guy. However, the topic is also surrounded by a lot of crackpot free energy conspiracy theorists. The lumping of wireless energy with perpetual motion, cold fusion, and torus generators makes it hard to sift fact from fancy.
In particular, Viziv’s tower claims to use the Zenneck surface wave, traveling along the curvature of the Earth. Tesla also talked about Earth resonance, so it seems likely that the company is trying to finish what Tesla started at Wardenclyffe. You can read their technical brief as well as their take on the Zenneck wave.
I found a pretty good video from [tvecourse] about the tower. At least, it has some good video of the site, although it has some hints of conspiracy theory towards the end.
Is it legitimate? Beats me. I had never heard of a Zenneck surface wave before, but it does seem to be a thing. Viziv’s chief scientist mentions having done research on Zenneck waves. However, I also found an MIT paper that said that at least some Zenneck waves are impractical because they’d require an infinite source. Then again, a lot of engineering approximates impractical theories.
What I do know is there is a whopping big tower in the middle of Texas. Like I said earlier, it is now my second most interesting road trip drive by. The most interesting? A giant nude Belgian cyclops off the E17. Don’t ask.
Telsla envisioned fleets of airships powered wirelessly. We’ve sort of seen that done a different way. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen someone try to duplicate Tesla’s wireless power transmission work. Probably won’t be the last time, either.
But check out the science, and let us know what you think.
Whoa, this is pretty cool. I might drive over there and check it out sometime. Not too far away.
I, too, have to wonder how much of it is legitimate science and how much of it is alternative energy conspiracy being pursued by some very wealthy Texas libertarian type. But hey, that’s their prerogative. I’m glad it exists either way.
Tesla is always good for a good old fashioned scam.
I posted the comment but I’m not sure if it will show up So I decided top repeat it. All of the answers for you is provided by guy name Wesley in his 3 videos his youtube is – stivep1 For more detailed technical aspects go to Start up or down from here
Zenneck wave is transferred from Top capacitor of Tesla air Transformer, at Brewster angle to Earth/Air interface. That wave doesn’t propagate in FAR Field. We may describe it as : Wave from group of Surface Waves -type Zenneck Wave mode: TM mode ( Transverse Magnetic.
And that wave in Fresnel zone between Near Field and Far Field at angle around ~67 degrees is trapped in the interface. The receiver looks exactly the same as transmitter. Receiver can be placed at an y point of the earth or ocean. ——————————————————————————– Viziv with PhD J.Corum and K Corum ( brothers) and involvement of Chevron plays with Tx-Rx energy transfer. But Schumann Waveguide by its own energy fluctuation inside of that Waveguide triggered by lightnings has two boundaries -Earth -Ionosphere
The Earth is accessible to us. If at Brewster angle energy is deposited to that boundary as Zenneck Wave at TM mode ,- this energy is trapped in the INTERFACE earth/air. For simplicity think of it as 2D space around the earth. Than this energy can be “extracted” – (received) by a Tesla coil with Top Capacitor tuned to this particular frequency. more you will find in links attached to this comment .
*WOW* I’m now a BELIEVER! It was posted on, which is all about how people can break the law (of thermodynamics) and not be arrested for it so it MUST be legit! Hey, everyone, start up your cars powered off water and kick the perpetual motion devices into overdrive! We’re headed on a road trip to Texas!!!!!
you dint make your comment to say that USA is a bin of exactly the same sort of brains and their qualities?
By that we may say overunity com has value to science and value to public at some places too. Not everything around you is Silicone Vally.
My dear friend. I would appreciate if your comment is expressing precisely your position in regards to technical and scientific aspects of Viziv and Dr Corum publications, patents and please tell met what is that you disagree with?
Maybe if you posted some links to said “technical and scientific aspects of Viziv and Dr Corum publications” then I could address same. But your only links were to YouTube videos (and YouTube also has great videos showing how to add a headphone jack to a new iPhone using only a drill) or a link to a snake-oil website that claims to be able to break the laws of physics and even in reference to that link you said “start up or down from here.”
I did a Google search for “Viziv” and “Corum” and did find their website. So let’s see what’s there of any interest.
Let’s look at where we should find some really good information on how all this works. Oops, it shows “We are updating content, please check back soon.” So much for that idea.
So instead, let’s go to and see what that’s all about. Hey, here’s something that sounds GREAT! They’re talking about a replacement for the current GPS system. We can ditch all the satellites and run this from the ground!
“Viziv’s Zenneck surface wave technology can be used to develop a much-needed complement and potential replacement to GPS dependency, while requiring less infrastructure, using less energy, and avoiding the use of expensive satellites. A single tower transmitting a few thousand watts could provide a strong signal and cover a region up to the size of the entire continental United States.”
So you’re going to be able to geolocate a device anywhere in the US from a single tower? That, alone, shows how far off into left field they are. To be able to triangulate a position on a plane takes a minimum of THREE fixed/known points, not just one (that’s why they call it “triangulation” and not “pointulation” or such.)
And then there’s the guy (on Jan 24th, he’s a “BSEE Research Engineer at University of Washington, Chemistry (2002-present)” but then on the 29, he’s only a “35yrs Elect Eng.” If you’re claiming to be an expert, why drop part of your credentials? And if you look for the name at the UW site, it shows that person as being a “Research Engineer, CAS: Chemistry: Technical Services.” So is he an electrical engineer or a chemist? Or someone who’s swiped someone else name/credentials?) posting on who said:
“When looking into Wardenclyffe, the first thing one discovers is, Tesla said it wasn’t radio (wasn’t “Hertzian,”) and guess what, it wasn’t radio. Inverse-square law isn’t very relevant to the physics. Inverse-square falloff applies to Wardenclyffe, in the same way it applies to the inside of a microwave oven. Meaning: it doesn’t. A standing-wave on a cable or inside a chamber is not a dipole antenna radiating into empty space. Tesla’s system is ruled by cosine antinodes, and by “coupling probe physics,” rather than by conventional antenna physics and square-law patterns not involving cables/chambers’ standing waves.”
If someone doesn’t understand the difference between a microwave oven bouncing the radiation around and a tower sending out the radiation in a circle around it, then they’ve lost any credibility to me. True, a wave being sent out through a wave-guide (whether it’s AC power through wire or a laser through a fiber-optic) doesn’t drop off at the square of the distance. But something sent out on a plane DOES drop off as the distance increases (it’s just a geometric drop-off, not an exponential one.) So if you had a tower sending out power, then people a mile away might be blasted with 1 megawatt of power so that someone 1000 miles away would get 1 kilowatt (barely enough to run a microwave oven.)
Michael Anderson says: Quote: Maybe if you posted some links to said “technical and scientific aspects of Viziv and Dr Corum publications” then I could address same.
Mark answer :I will do it here and now. ——————————————————- Michael Anderson says: Quote: But your only links were to YouTube videos : Mark answer : there is much easier for some people to see and hear. I assumed, you need some help in understanding science of physical phenomena taking place in Dr Corum and Viziv technology. —————————————————- Links that you listing in your answer really don’t have anything to do with explanation of Zenneck wave and its properties.- Physics is not the place for sarcasm nor your non-related pseudo – humoristic conclusions . Zenneck wave that belongs to surface waves is explained here: Yes this is video but this is possibly the best way science can talk to you. !!!! CEM Lectures : Lecture 21 (EM21) — Surface waves
Zenneck wave is mentioned there, Mechanism for all of the surface waves is similar. Wave tilt, Hankel crossover point, Hankel crossover distance Brewster angle, elevation of charge over interface , – are explained in patents of Dr Corum: Here is main link to his patents Guided surface waveguide probes explains in 0877, – to 0111 quite wave structure of the device and its variations. ———————————————————————– Your criticism of the value, of YouTube is also scrutinizing MIT lectures. The same is with overunity .com The point is : It is not important when the value is found but how relevant is that value as guidance to more value . ——————————————————————— Michael Anderson says: Quote:
Mark answer : Zenneck wave that exists in the interface not in the plane. interface guides wave similar way to fiber-optic ,( as light is also electromagnetical in nature) or to waveguide and interface was explained in Lecture 21 (EM21) — Surface waves
I was surprised not much after my (unwilling) interaction with some Russian experts of mass disinformation, that you my friend,,decided to continue discussion with no solid arguments (nor even attempting to collect suitable basic knowledge) .
I wish you the best.
FINALLY you post a link to something that has actual science in it (the CEM Lectures. And I didn’t say Youtube never has videos that are informational. I simply pointed out that it DOES have videos that are pure garbage so just a “here’s a Youtube video” is meaningless as far as backing up a claim) but you GREATLY misunderstand how that science relates and how it actually debunks your whole position.
“Zenneck wave that exists in the interface not in the plane. interface guides wave similar way to fiber-optic ,( as light is also electromagnetical in nature) or to waveguide and interface was explained in Lecture 21 (EM21) — Surface waves”
A wave leaving a source can do one of three things.
1: Spread out In two directions as it moves in the third dimension (light from the sun, for example.) The strength of said wave will drop at the square of the distance. But ANYONE in a spherical plane that has the source as its center will see that light and at equal strengths (if it’s sent out equally in all directions to start.)
2: Spread out in one direction (surface waves. These are best illustrated by throwing a rock into a lake.) The strength of said wave will drop as the distance drops. But ANYONE in an arc that has the source as its center will see that light and at equal strengths (if it’s sent out equally in all directions to start.)
3: Be contained within a wave guide (think power going through a wire.) If there is nothing inside the guide to absorb the power, you’ll get the same power out at the other end. So a fiber-optic line will have a reduction in power but a wave guide filled with a vacuum will not. ONLY a receiver at the other end will see the wave.
So this power-transmission tower can do one of two things; send power our in all directions as a surface-wave, in which case the power will drop the further out you are, or it can send it out in a wave-guide, in which case only the one device at the other end will get it. You can NOT send out a surface wave 1000 miles and have it at the same strength as it was at 1 mile. The ground is NOT a waveguide in two-dimensions like a fiber-optic line is.
If this wave has 1000KW of power at a distance of 1m from the source, it will have ONE KW of power at 1km from the source. So if you’re trying to power a circle just 1km in radius and you want each house to get 10KW of power (average house at 110A and 100A would be 11KW) and these houses were at 100m apart in that circle, you’d have to have waves with 785KW of power at a distance of 1m. You try pushing that amount of power through the ground and you’re going to fry anything on the ground. A regular power plant can do this because it’s channeling the power into the wires, not trying to send it out in all directions at the same time.
It is impossible to argue against technobabble. None of this technology is mysterious or without oodles and gobs of theoretical analysis *and* more than a hundred years of solid physical hands on real world experience with these frequencies. The simple solution is this: have the Texas teslababble demonstrate a simple 250 milliwatts transmitted over only 5 miles. If they can’t do it then it is a scam. Keep in mind Tesla also invented an oscillator you could fit in your pocket that could destroy the Empire State building.
Dear Michael Anderson Listed by you explanation is irrelevant.
You dont understand the difference between EM wave and TEM wave. When talking about TEM we need to concentrate at fact that this TEM is in TM mode.
Scenario without load: If we dont have load than there is no losses, and there is no energy transfer in form of Zenneck wave in he interface . Example by comparison with electrical outlet: – an outlet in your wall that has potential energy ready to be used only if you plug the load into it.
In case of Tesla Tower of Dr Corum: We may see or we may not see – some very small losses due to impedance mismatch (if any.)
And that is the difference between described by you EM wave that once transmitted continue to travel even if your Transmitter is switched OFF. For EM wave presence of the load is not important. For TEM in TM mode in the interface between Earth and Air :
example: If we send electrical energy From USA Milford Texas to Moscow in Russia than no energy is lost if in Moscow the receiver is OFF or Milford Texes decides to cut access of that energy to Moscow by CHANGING AUTHORIZATION CODE in polyphase coding system.
Information from above is based on James Corum US Patent Excitation and use of guided surface wave modes on lossy media US20140252886A1 Authentication to enable/disable guided surface wave receive equipment Patent number: 10312747 OBJECT IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM AND METHOD Publication number: 20190050612 MEASURING AND REPORTING POWER RECEIVED FROM GUIDED SURFACE WAVES Publication number: 20190041438
For these who disbelieve that electrical Energy can be accessed by Russia if allowed by USA energy supplier here is little intro: LONG DISTANCE TRANSMISSION OF OFFSHORE POWER Publication number: 20190020223
And if American energy supplier finds that in Russia this energy is not used as stated in the contract or contract terns are violated than here is explanation what American supplier can do .
To find position of Russian armory vehicles or insurgents : Subsurface sensing using guided surface wave modes on lossy media Patent number: 10175203
to prevent Russian countermeasures in field of communication using Zenneck wave : MODULATED GUIDED SURFACE WAVES Publication number: 20180366804
fighting with thieve of electrical energy or Deterring theft in wireless power systems Patent number: 10063095
Example if in Russia: Detecting Unauthorized Consumption of Electrical Energy Publication number: 20180203049
The link to rest of the patents of Dr Corum is here:
Let me try to clear the air here. I worked for a company that invested in this and I had the opportunity to visit this site. I got to see first hand over 1KW (a one HP motor was operating with no interconnecting wires) received at over 1km. This was using one of the smaller devices, not the big tower. The big tower was under construction and was testing using just a few watts.. The small tower/device was running about 5KW from a AM broadcast transmitter. This project is real and there is no magic. The Corum’s are first rate scientists and have been identified by the US government as a national resource with their work at Airforce Cambridge. I had the chance to talk with them at the Viziv/Texzon facility. They are considered THE authority on Tesla’s RF work and Ball Lightning by the Russians and Americans both. They indicated that they had full access to all the Tesla documents in Belgrade while working with the 1st and 2nd directors and hinted there is nothing at Wright Pat.
They made it clear the work in Milford is to basically make and “extension cord” for power and global communications with very low power and phased arrays for location. There is no free energy nonsense. Their calm is that they discovered how to produce a Zenneck Surface wave by illuminating the ground with RF fields at the Brewster angle. A Zenneck wave drops off as one over the square root of the distance. However when a load is connected to earth all the power went to the load with minor losses. During the presentation they indicated it was much the same as using teledeltos paper. They showed us a laser pointer reflected off the conference room table, at the Brewster angle there was no reflection. But, if you looked along the edge of the table the light was very bright. They explained the light energy was trapped along the surface of the table. They spent 40 years trying to figure out how to do the same thing with RF. They indicated the obstacle was the earth dirt around the tower. Apparently the dirt was frequency sensitive and it made the Brewster angle non real and complicated. That was when they lost me. Some how they made a complicated Brewster angle by playing with the phase between the vertical and horizontal parts of the local RF fields. This somehow this made an infinite plane. I hope some day they publish what is behind all the patents. They did not mention anything about Schumann resonance as you have alluded to above. They only said their wave guide was one sided just the ground and they work very hard to prevent radiation. Their real joy was the the replication of an experiment done by Bell Labs in the mid 30s. The Corum’s were able to demonstrate that the 1930s experiment was incomplete. They replicated what Bell Labs did and then demonstrated that if the radiation was removed by making the structure very small and the RF fields were just so for the water, a Zenneck Surface wave could be produced. That proved that Zenneck and Sommerfield were right back around 1910. With Zenneck waves there are no near and far fields, just a traveling wave with very low loss.
From what I was able to get out of the presentation regarding Tesla was that they had reproduced Tesla’s Colorado Springs experiment and sent power 25 miles. They were quite adamant that there are no Tesla secrets and no cover ups. Everything you need is in the existing Tesla literature. What is not in the literature is the “how does it work”. That is in their patents and 40 years of hard labor. One of the Corum’s had a big sign in his office, Do what Tesla tells you to do and you get the same results. Don’t try to do what you think Tesla did (something like that). There was also a working replica of one of Tesla receivers in his office. It was the same one he used to listen to the Jovian decametric signals and hear one, two, three. There was also a working replica of the “eagle bug” from the great seal from the US embassy in Russia. Who knows what else they are working on…
It was a fascinating day spent at Milford, TX.
My dear friend I would like to understand you r reasoning. What area of science do you represent, and how that relates to Dr Corum? or his level of scientific recognition. ? Platform holding information about value doesn’t make it invalid but it may make it controversial. Controversy can always be checked in other sources and validated if needed.
I don’t need a degree in science to know that the person who is claiming the earth is flat is full of sh*t. I don’t need a degree to know the person who claims that he can reach into a person’s mody and “heal” something without an incision is selling snake oil. And I don’t need a degree in science to know that someone claiming that a car can run off water or that a perpetual-motion machine is possible is in need of a tin-foil hat. Any of those can be easily disproven with very simple science principles.
“Triangulation” who or where did anyone say anything about “triangulation”? “Perpetual motion” ?! To my knowledge Tesla never made claims of a perpetual motion device. My understanding of the principles by which his devices operated was always something akin to solar cells. His devices were tapping into a field of energy yet to be discovered/understood by science. If you refuse to even inquire on the principles by which these new technologies claim to work, you will inevitably NEVER hope to grasp even the slightest understanding on how they operate. Anyone so stubbornly and willfully ignorant on such topics is hardly qualified to even comment. You have made it abundantly clear that you have absolutely no interest in opening your eyes to anything new and that is OKAY. Just please quit pretending that all mighty man has already discovered all knowledge and secrets the universe holds. It comes accros very egocentric to say the least.
I was trying to respond ti but my comment doesn’t show up for some reason
Answers: You made comment in point 1: Answer: Content is irrelevant. -not connected with questioned by you surface wave and its properties -good for general knowledge, but not applicable here.
You made comment in point 2: Answer: Content is irrelevant. – mixing longitudinal wave behavior from classical physics with quantum physics light properties is good for general audience in the summer science “Picnic” or for the kids to understand better. -not connected with Wave behavior of wave from group of Surface Waves -type Zenneck Wave mode: TM mode ( Transverse Magnetic)
You made comment in point 3: Answer: Content is irrelevant.
You talking about electrical current at certain power level in the wire, and not about electromagnetic wave TEM,and you are not mentioning polarization or mode . If you were talking about wave as TEM you should say – “IN COAXIAL CABLE ” If you were talking about wave using single wire you should say Sommerfeld-Goubau line, or G-line. but than wire must be coated with dielectric
Ground you mentioned has nothing to do with wave. It is just one of the boundaries of the interface. Surface wave or one of its forms Zenneck wave doesn’t travel in earth.!!!!! Almost in every patent of Dr Corum you have diagram showing regular inverse wave law behavior of the EM wave and behavior of TEM wave in Transverse Magnetic mode with no REFLECTION !!!
You have been send to video : but you don’t understand it.
You have been send to but you didn’t read any of the patents and you don’t understand what they are talking about.
example: U . S . Patent Jan . 30 , 2018 Sheet 4 of 21 US 9 , 882 , 436 B2 FIG . 5B, FIG . 6 U . S . Patent Jan . 30 , 2018 Sheet 8 of 21 US 9 , 882 , 436 B2 FIG . 11 and the most important for you to understand is : U . S . Patent Jan . 30 , 2018 Sheet 3 of 21 US 9 , 882 , 436 B2 FIG . 4 , FIG . 5A
-FIG . 4 is a plot of an example of the magnitudes of close – in and far – out asymptotes of first order of Hankel functions – 5A and 5B are drawings that illustrate a complex angle of incidence of an electric field synthesized by a guided surface waveguide probe
Also you don’t understand that there is NO losses “to” Zenneck wave in the interface if there is no LOAD!!! no power is ever consumed.. and now I use “your” analogy: < like in electrical outlet in the wall- with no load present." if you switch OFF Tx than no Zenneck wave is present in the interface.
what you don't understand is that regular EM wave once transmitted OUT it is there even if you switched off your Tx.
I’m trying to be very fair and show you my respect my dear friend however I’m deeply touched by your comment about academic levels and recognition of these levels.
I’m sorry , I can’t help you. I would suggest you learn English first. The wording used in your previous letter( is different,) and quality of English skills used in last letter differ from your previous comment, as if was written by different people. Maybe you had a bad day or your “Russian friend” or coworker from was late to work – joke
I’m not against you but you really got me upset, by attacking credibility and scientific recognition of American scientists. Americans spend money and time to get their Doctorate in Higher Education – and that is a value, recognition, work, job and pension. This is what makes people who they are. But than you as an individual, from unknown part of the world, with significantly questionable level of perception and knowledge in that given field – you want to trash it all.
I wish you the best my friend whoever you are , but I can’t waste any more time for unproductive discussion.
You think you right ? than let it be… whatever makes you happy.
You said “I would suggest you learn English first.”
You also said “You think you right”
“You made comment in point 1.”
“not connected with questioned by you surface wave and its properties”
“You talking about electrical current at certain power level in the wire”
“but at the same time it reminds clear enough, to my fellow Americans who!!! I’m talking about.”
If these are examples of “English” then you and I are living in totally different universes.
All of my comments were addressed to Michael Anderson. But after posting I found that some words, phrases, even sentences are “surgically” cut/removed/on-purpose (“in such a way”) – that means- essential parts of my work and effort to explain enigmatic to some of you ( but in reality very much simple structure of ) Tesla coil was purposely altered by ( algorithmic-aly / manually invoked mechanism or person ) Yes,I was heavily controlled by “inf/desinf/- formation – services” !!, That left me only one choice. I used here and now this special form of wording pointing at whole “mechanism,” but at the same time it reminds clear enough, to my fellow Americans who!!! I’m talking about. You know what I mean . After many attempts when my entire-text vanished, one more time instead of being seen here I finally start to understand it . (After I press the button – the simple math module analyses everything what I put in form of text-likely if our Russian watchers attention is not triggered ) I have never thought that science must be wrapped in special cover of form or format suitable/convenient/ to><someone and than “desinf-Formation” likely of Eastern Russian origin services will approve it here-and-now . So now – you know what. who you dealing with. I do apologize my dear friends for use of such purposely complicated from and wording .
You my dear Michael Anderson are not able to respond to any technical questions exactly, without drifting , -to the level,- you and can maintain easily. Sorry I don’t speak Russian. Set of questions and literature was listed by me but lack of education in area of Dr Corum research is likely making entire group of people writing under your helpless . (joke)
I wish you the best. I hope it is not so cold out there -(in Russia too.) Please provide answer only to scientific and technical aspects material of Dr Corum and Surface Waves . Please keep your responses in the frames supported by listed scientific literature
There’s one in Dortmund Germany too. And word has it ‘Putin built one’. A friend there phohotographed the one in Dortmund.
I don’t get it.
If anyone were to realize Tesla style wireless power transmission – it would be horribly inefficient. – it would induce electrical currents in conducting objects that were not meant to be electrified (local farmers in the vicinity of Tesla’s projects had problems with their metal water troughs) – and it would have to be given away for free
That’s the hardest part of all for me to understand. How does anyone expect such a service to even pay for itself let alone make any profit? Anyone and everyone within range would receive electricity with no way to control or meter who uses how much.
Is the idea to get bought out by a government agency and socialize energy? Would everyone’s energy bill be paid by tax money? And I say energy, not electricity because no one would pay for gas when they can run electric cars, furnaces, stoves and water heaters for free.
With no way to monitor individuals use few people if anyone would do anything to limit their use. Turn things off when not using them? Why? Go for long frequent trips with little or no purpose? Why not? Replace outdated or aging equipment that has poor energy efficiency? Not if it isn’t broken!
Only free distribution of dirty energy is an environmental nightmare. The opposite is opposite and will accelerate displacement of fossil fuels.
Every other form of energy invariably becomes heat. If you have unlimited free energy and a reason to use it (I am sure people will find reasons) you end up with a lot of heat, and then have to figure out what to do with the heat. On a grand scale, this is how the universe ends. People will probably be content with just ending the part they can get to.
If you need a place to dump the heat. The night sky is pretty cold.
So is the day sky, as long as you aren’t being illuminated by the sun. That’s a pretty hot spot in an otherwise very cold background, regardless of the colour of the sky.
We can not continue to increase our use of energy at the rate we have been doing historically (about 3% per year) for very long.
Exponential Economist Meets Finite Physicist
If we had unlimited environmentally less damaging energy “sources” we would still cook ourselves in a few hundred years. (Radiation to the sky just isn’t efficient enough to sink that much more energy.)
The opposite is opposite. Truer words have never been spoken.
Well, if you put the solar panels in the right place, you don’t need wireless energy transmission at all.
After all, the Sun is wirelessly transmitting energy…
” it would be horribly inefficient” – please aquatint yourself with what is the meaning of “wireless” power transmission as Tesla stated is, because, an that is for sure, has nothing to do with what we commonly conceptualize today as wireless transmission. Tesla’s “wireless” power transmission has nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing, to do with transferring any meaningful type of power through the air, his transferring medium was the ground. Just read Tesla’s Colorado Springs Notes 1899-1900 (if you can understand it as for sure it is a very different 19-th century engineering language) and his patents, and only after that allow your self to comment on the efficiency of the idea.
Surprise! Electrical power is distributed through the ground. I know you can see all of those wires in the air, but fully half of the circuit is the ground.
No. Only in remote country areas where we use SWER (single wire earth return) lines… and it’s pretty inefficient.
If you can see three (or four) lines, that’s your usual three-phase (with neutral) power. All the power is carried by currents in and fields surrounding those 3 wires.
SWER can be less efficient than a normal distribution line, but I would not consider it “pretty inefficient”. I think reliability and safety at conditions of dry ground are the main issues.
And my understanding : some of the processes seriously infringed on T.A. EDISON making profits on his power transmission system, which started a lawsuit stopping wireless transmission.
This sounds like a conspiracy theory – in other words: just Bullshit.
Perhaps you should actually do the historical research not using gaggle
I don’t even know “gaggle”. And you do not need a lawsuite to stop wireless large scale power transmission. It jsut doesn’t work and the laws of nature do not need a judge or jury, they just show you your limits.
If the energy is transmitted through the ground, how come there’s that big shiny dome up high in the air? And that long arc, again, through the air?
I’ll agree that PART of the transmission path is through the ground, but the other part is definitely through the air.
And for energy transfer, current must flow. So there will be resistive losses,
“that big shiny dome up high in the air” – look at the original Tesla patents and Colorado Springs Notes, that is very important. The top part is technically a huge collecting plate of an air capacitor, with a lot of small semi-spheres on top of it ( to increase the curvature and subsequently the capacitance of the top structure ) . The arcs coming from that part of the systems are just expression for inefficiency. In an efficient ground transmission there should be absolutely no arcs ( maybe just humming). The best description for the process outside of Tesla’s writings and patents is probably found here:
Sounds like he invented the capacitive dropper used by the billions today in LED lamps.
I can only assume that energy would be lost to the ground, it will have a finite resistance, in fact, they speak of the earth as a lossy medium. I haven’t studied Zenneck waves beyond a Wikipedia article, but every article I’ve read about Tesla’s wireless power transmission talks about resonance. I suspect that the electrical resistance/lossy nature of the earth’s surface would lower the Q of the resonant tank enough that it would be almost, if not totally useless.
Been a few decades, but the way I remember it, Tesla thought i possible to charge the planet, like a huge capacitor, and anyone, anywhere could tap into it with a simple apparatus, they could build themselves. The mushroom top is a capacitor of sorts. Not sure how it relates to the wireless power scheme, but need to do fun lightning exhibitions (experiments). There was a lot more to Tesla’s idea, than passing electric over or through the earth or sky. Most people seem to stay focused on the parts they are most familiar with. A Tesla coil produces high voltage, at a very high frequency, which travel over the surface of conductors, even your body. Kind of creepy, feels like thousands of bugs crawling all over you. I’ve got a small 250,000 volt Tesla Coil, which hasn’t been used in a very long time. Noticed TVs and Computers seemed to fail often, when I play with it a lot. Could have been my electric service too, brown outs. Stopped using the Tesla Coil, invested in UPS backups for everything, and most of my electronics last a long time. Had my high voltage fun, not curious enough to know if it was the Tesla coil.
When I played with a tesla coil in a garage, it was about 60cm high made sparks about 0,5m long. And it radiated enough power to make the fluorescent tubes on the ceiling light up (not full power and quite flickery). You can be sure, that this kind of electricity can damage electrnic components.
I have a smaller Tesla coil, I estimate about 50KV. When I run it, the wireless keyboard nearby stops working. It’s fun drawing arcs to your fingertips, but it’s easy to get an RF burn if you’re not careful.
Ground *is* a lossy medium.
How did he plan to go around that? By using very high voltages, just like present-day transmission lines.
In his system, energy is transferred through the ground to another tower, using the SAME resonant frequency. He explicitly stated that air-transferred portion is a loss.
I have driven that road a hundred times and never noticed it, that is just plain sad, next trip to Austin and I will look for it.
The dome generates an S.E.P. field, that is why you don’t see it.
As RW says distribution of clean stuff is fine. If everyone is being that wasteful and yet reliant on it then it will end up browning out or even in full blackout which should quickly lead to better habits.
And its well worth noting the energy invested in creating a object is often a bigger component of the energy used in its lifetime than actually running it is! Not always of course, but take as examples items spend lots of time idle or off – that big shop vac you rarely use (assuming you manage to clean up as often as I do) might be a relatively huge 20% less efficient than its modern brethren. But 20% more of only a few KWh over the year pales into insignificance just to the energy used to deliver/collect the new one. (I’d reckon in my tiny workshop it might just get up to 10KWh in a year giving 2KWh in this example to make and deliver a more efficient replacement)
If wireless power is actually viable I have doubts about, at least over any real range for any meaningful load. But its certainly not impossible it could work efficiently enough for some tasks. Infact there are wireless powered projects taking energy from the RF, all low energy but if the world really is going stupid internet of ruddy annoying things then not needing to invest huge energy in making/recycling batteries for all the connected junk would actually be a huge gain even if the efficiency is rather low. (Try to work out the efficiency of distributing and collecting back up then recycling lots of batteries – followed by the inevitable leeching of battery gunk from the ones that get dumped somewhere)
Assuming it isn’t a total crock, this is just another mode of EM radiation and can probably be steered using a phased array. That helps partially deal with power going where it isn’t wanted. It probably wouldn’t be too different from how new WiFi systems work.
As to why, infrastructure is expensive. It’s cheaper to install cell towers than wire every home with a POTS connection in places that never had phone service before. Or look at broadband in the US and how many people don’t have access to broadband because of how expensive it is to run wires and/or fiber. The value proposition here is the same thing.
I have a tendency to believe that it is a crock, not perhaps from the article viewpoint, ie., the article is probably reporting the existence of a real thing, but from the perspective of those behind the project. Providing the tower is associated with the company and website mentioned, it is probably some investment scam or a nutcase. Who knows what drives these water into gasoline carburetor or desktop cold fusion guys? The simplest 2 antenna phased array would be about 15 Km between the elements. Does anyone know the coordinates? We could do a tower data lookup on FAA TOWAIR and geosearch on FCC database.
Quarter wave should work. But I doubt the speed of propagation of a Zenneck wave is really at c. I don’t know if there are more advanced phased arrays that can do something to get tighter spacing. But it is all worthless unless the idea here even works.
I doubt Viziv has more than one tower. IF this is a real endeavor, they need to solve the transmission problem before taking on the directional problem.
That’s a pretty succinct outline of what’s wrong with wireless power transmission. Point 3 seems like a self correcting problem – either the power plant finds a business model or the money to keep it going runs out. I’m more concerned with point 2 on the list myself – broadcasting power to things that should not be powered, whether it’s metal water troughs or people and animals. That sounds like a definite environmental disaster in the making.
Actually that is completely wrong. The transmission is via a low frequency wave that is reconverted back to energy. So it is impossible for people to be shocked. Once it is reconverted then you have electricity. I am not connected with this in any way, but I appears to me the money is made through the patens through reconversion. So you don’t have a meter but you do have exclusive rights to reception manufacturers therefore restrictions of what devices can be produced etc. As far as then environmental it appears the background medium in a fraction of the regulation. Think of it like a radio station. It doesn’t harm anything. Just instead of getting a station, that is how you are getting your electricity. It is very difficult to copy so it is not like you can just grab it in your back yard. Not that someone wouldn’t notice it eventually anyway. It is more like an environmentalists dream. No more projects to build power lines across the world and all the related. If anything you should be screaming for it.
1) If there’s enough power in the waves to pick up and generate any appreciable amount of electricity, then ANY metal object of the right size can pick up those waves and generate electricity, wanted or not. That’s how old radios worked was by picking up the radio waves and using them to power the crystal radio set (as well as using the modulation to generate the audio.) No batteries needed, although the audio needed headphones to be loud enough to even be heard, due to the low power generated.
2) “you do have exclusive rights to reception manufacturers[.]” How do you get these exclusive rights? Patents. Do patents expire? Sure do. What happens when they expire? Anyone can build the device. How do you prevent someone from building the receiver and get free power once the patent expires? Well, you can…… ummmm……. hmmmmm. I guess you DON’T prevent it. There goes your business model.
For anybody wondering what a belgian nude cyclops looks like:
Magnificent creature, shame they went extinct.
Google is NOT your friend. Not when you make the mistake of googling “giant nude Belgian cyclops off the E17” *sigh*
If you leave off one word, it seems to give perfectly cromulent results.
The only way it would ever give “perfectly cromulent results” that don’t burn out your eyeballs is if it produced no results at all for “giant nude Belgian cyclops off the E17.” There is simply not enough eye-bleach to sanitize the results it returned.
BTW, you may have thought I meant it was not my friend because it didn’t produce any relevant results but it was exactly the opposite: that it produced way TOO relevant results.
This source (I don’t know how credible it is) indicates Zenneck waves at the earth’s surface operate best at VLF or ELF (Under 35 kHz). In the video, they use an “RF Analyzer” with a frequency range of 800 to 2500 MHz. If the Viziv tower is emitting Zenneck waves, that analyzer will not detect them. Viziv is likely using Wi-Fi or other types of wireless for their operations, and that is what the “RF Analyzer” is picking up.
It looks like URLs are accepted, not sure why it was removed from the initial post:
I was thinking the same thing. Perhaps they should consider the old-fashioned wire loop, diode, milliamp meter to detect the ELF field. If the field is strong enough to transmit power, that should work. Of course, the investigators made an even bigger mistake, in that they assumed that the coil was running while they investigated. Since security knew they were there, the operation was probably shut down at least until they left. It might only be on intermittently in normal circumstances anyway.
But it may also just be non-operational.
The dome is fake, the site is just a front for CIA black ops. Don’t venture too close, don’t ask too many questions.
That’s terrible cover then. Why not just pretend to be a warehouse or an office block or literally anything that doesn’t make people stop to take pictures of it?
Seems like the cover would work on you!
I didn’t say they were trying to “hide” it. They might be using it to lure the curious… B^)
Ahhh, you have much to learn about the wily ways of “The Company.”
It seems like if Tesla were to try his wireless power experiments today the interference with today’s more widespread, sensitive, and complex electric and electronic infrastructure would cause significant disruption (though not as much as a major geomagnetic storm like the Carrington event).
I guess all else aside I have doubts that something like this could be done successfully without requiring a lot of existing infrastructure to be retrofitted defensively against unwanted interference.
We really need an upvote button here.
It is just the right thing to zap people wearing tin foil hats.
Apparently there are two very similar things you encounter in a Texas cow pasture. Engineering is well aware of the transmission characteristics of VLF frequencies and they don’t work anything like portrayed. The transmission power decays exponentially (20 log distance) which means at any significant distance the source power has to be almost infinite to provide power to an endpoint. Even if you could do this, you will need to radiate through a whole lot of folks which is limited to extremely low power levels by ANSI/IEEE C95.1-2005 prohibition of RF Radiation Hazard. The claim that it is power going to a distance which is not being radiated, see cowpasture reference, above. The claim that the power is transmitted through the ground through establishing a ground plane is also prohibited. What happens to buried copper pipes? I remember in Kansas as a kid we used to harvest fishing earthworms by creating a ground plane with an electrode rod into the ground connected to the power line. The use to replace GPS without satellites? The Russians are doing this today on these frequencies. Their accuracy / positional error is 2.6 to 7 km.
Maybe a good idea to keep your hand on your wallet around these guys.
Such a dome can be used to detect lightning events planet-wide which then can be used to determine global-wide average temperature. Useful monitoring for our global environmental concerns. There was a HAD article featuring this technique some years back, and other scientific publications make mention of it as well.
Most lighting is observed by weather satellites. Any AM rx will pick them up from a few miles if you want to build your own counter. Temp can be (and is) observed by IR weather satellites as well as every airport and weather station on the planet. Never mind the numerous crowd sourced and hobbyist weather logging projects.
Lightning is also observed by a large number of private small receivers. The data is aggregated by websites like
And this article should have been titled “Shocking discovery in Texas!”
Considering the shape of the tower, something more like “Huge Texan Phallic Mystery!”
Hmmm, how far is it from Viagra, Oklahoma?
I rather think the FCC would require licensure for this.
License required if they radiate a field density above 240 uV/m at 10 KHz. (47 CFR sec 15.209). Yeah, that “u” means microvolts. To “harvest” power from the air you have to have the power to start with. This is a complete fantasy in the category of other technobabble like finding the magic frequency, perpetual motion and unlimited free energy.
We walk around in electricity every day. There is about a 300 volt difference between your feet and head. We are born of it and don’t notice it in day to day life! It’s always been there and hopefully always will be.
I go around Waco on my way up through Hico pretty often. I doubt anyone would think twice if this dumb redneck went up north via Corsicana, and stopped in Waxahachie to ask a few ridiculious questions. I’ll add something if they have anything to say, but it will probably be after the holidays.
Surface wave propagation exists. Mostly in the long wave and medium wave (AM) frequency range. There was also a big AM transmitter (~600kHz and 600kW) in Vienna (dismantled in the meantime), where some people from near small gardens taped some power with resonant coils to illuminate their garden houses. So wireless energy transfer is possible. At some point some strange drops of signal strength in some directions were discovered and then it became explicitly forbidden to do this. Of course the overall efficiency was bad – a 600kW transmitter for some light bulbs. But the main purpose was radio transmission anyway.
What is called the ground wave. It’s called a ground wave not necessarily because it has anything to do with the ground, but to differentiate it from the coverage achieved from ionospheric reflection. The thing about running lighting off of RF radiation isn’t really what it seems and they weren’t really getting significant power from the station. The trick is to use flourescent tubes where the gas in the tube ionizes very efficiently at RF frequencies at a level of milliwatts. Very common trick in ham radio and it can be done with transmitter power in the 30+ watt range.
In any case, the guy that invented microwave ovens connected the dots after a candy bar in his pocket melted while working around a feedhorn. Any time you are around light bulbs that light up because of RF, or your teeth hurt cause you’re around a transmitter, word to the wise. If things around you are receiving power, you are too and excessive RF causes all kinds of very bad permanent things like sterility, cancer heart disease and burns.
Yes, ground wave was the word.
Of course in these days, were many people have the fear of “electrosmog” and even fear 5G data transmission, it would be quite ridiculous to believe, anybody would license large scale wireless power. But don’t be paranoid: RF radiation is non-ionizing, so at least it can’t give you cancer and probably not heart disease, though it can give you sterility and burns. What gave people (technicians) cancer was the x-ray emission from pulsed high power radar tube transmitters.
One of the triggers of the RF radiation hazard standards was back in the day, the US FCC required on site transmitter duty operators (engineers) to be located at inaccessible sites. There were meetings of the Society of Broadcast Engineers in Albuquerque where the duty engineers from the primary broadcast site at Sandia Crest started comparing notes. These guys would rotate staying at work dorms at the site. Most of these guys were in their early 30s yet most looked much older with white hair and balding, weird diseases, blood problems, bone problems, cancer, compared notes about how some had been trying to have families and none had success, etc. RF radiation standards completely shut down a 1000 foot height 9 transmitter FM site in Houston on one shell plaza with the construction of another building with some of the floors within the elevation sidelobes of OSP. Used to be they would put major broadcast sites on building rooftops (one trade center, Sears tower,). Now they do it very carefully with strict controls on areas where workers who are unaware they are being radiated are protected.
The described symptoms still sound like x-ray exposure to me. At that time that were for sure tube transmitters and the high power transmitter tubes used really high voltages. But I don’t know what it was. Too much RF power for sure is also dangerous.
Nope, no X-rays. ANSI C95.1 has a really good rundown of the weird medical stuff that can get you from radiation. Not only what we consider RF but also heavy 50 and 60 Hz magnetic fields. They are now developing medical devices that focus low frequency fields in the brain to treat depression. If I’d known this I might have stepped a little farther away from those reel to reel bulk tape erasers.
12AU76L6GC. Transcranial magnetic stimulation has nothing to do with RF radiation. And non-ionising radiation has not been proven to increase the risk of cancer at all beyond the extreme heating of *extreme* exposure causing chronic tissue damage (the repair of which increases the risk of dangerous mutations).
I have never heard of your anecdote but I find it hard to believe the industry knows about dangers we have never heard of, as that would involve a huge conspiracy and efforts to keep it secret – there is no reason to try and hide something like this, and it couldn’t be hidden even if someone wanted to.
I’m sure there were many other hazards at the site, although it may have had nothing to do with the working area at all. Correlation is not causation, and it’s amazing how quickly we all jump to obvious conclusions despite evidence to the contrary. Its a human thing.
Buriedcode: Correct. Some studies say there is a link to cancer and some don’t, but current standards say inconclusive. In the US the FCC and other agencies NIOSH(OSHA) regulates radiation levels to ensure that when we are around high power RF transmitters and when we use RF devices that the general public is safe.
I was not referencing a simplistic “lightning counter” that can only detect individual lightning events within your particular locality. That only takes the AC audio output of cheap AM radio. The device HAD published an article about gave a dc voltage related to the average global temperature as higher temperatures spawn more lightning storms globally. The warmer the planet, the more thunderstorms are occurring, giving a measure of the average planetary temperature.
The construction required a metallic dome as the basis for the detector. The circuit extremely simple and the output a dc voltage that needs be monitored over a period of years, not minutes. A stainless steel wok lid worked well enough in my case, and you can watch it for months and see little change. Eventually I needed the Wok lid back as it cost more than the circuit components used.
If that is what these people have built it is of laboratory quality and in 2 or 3 yrs we will be hearing of their early results on the subject. It will take an instrument of this quality providing data to convince governments to take the situation seriously. The science behind this measurement technique is good.
None. Yes. Please do stop in.
If it’s something Tesla related… well… my interest is gone.
Just a WAG: experimentation on some kind of potential military communications. The Tesla power transmission idea would never have worked for reasons already posted above by others.
Proximity of Milford to the Gulf of Mexico might indicate use for communication with submerged subs instead of using ELF, possibly for higher data rate?
There would be a lot more fencing and threatening signs around it if it was used for that. I drove around it a few months ago trying to get a good picture.
But… we already have wireless power receivers. They’re called LTO batteries charged by solar panels.
Tesla was great but I just don’t understand how sending huge amounts of power through the air or ground is a good thing or would have been back then. Current is going to go where people don’t want it.
There’s a lot of questions as to how this would work. Can you transfer electricity? How would it get paid for? What’s in it for us? The answer is that Tesla discovered a different type of wave energy. Not electromagnetic like radio waves, and not magnetism either. But rather scalar waves, which are longitudinal in nature versus the transverse nature AM radio waves. Skylar waves can carry electricity, and a lot of it, but modern science shuns the idea of its existence. They call it the near field, me or scattering of energy near a transmission antenna. But Tesla learned how to harness it through resonance. And resonant standing scalar waves along the surface of the Earth, something Tesla also calculated, is now called the zenick propagation wave. But it’s all Tesla’s technology. Tesla transmitted successfully thousands of Watts over distances. The technology works. And he was envisioning a world global transmission system which is exactly where Texon is picking up. How will they sell the electricity to you? They will not. It’s to be transmitted and sold to the utility companies who will then use the matching receivers to derive the energy and distribute it to paid customers on their own grits. Unfortunately you will still be on a grid and you will still pay. Nothing for you will new wireless nor free. But, if you study Tesla’s work, or you can build a receiver and receive free energy once their system is operational. The one in Texas was only a test. Visions initial launch will be in Dubai.
Technobabble BS. Funny thing is each one of these words and phrases has a specific meaning, such as near field, resonance, scalar, etc. There is no discovery of a new non radiating method of energy coupling that has magically escaped the knowledge or practical application of modern science.
It’s like some explanation that because of a special hydrophilic osmotic synthesis of exponential chemical molecular reaction a special carburetor can burn rainwater instead of hydrocarbons, but the scientific research community has been manipulated by big oil to suppress the simple and obvious technology. There is a single working example and it is spectacular, though never peer reviewed. But what is really needed is further investment for scaling the technology and manufacturing and the obvious sources of money aren’t available because the scientific community (and all the investors in wall street) are actively suppressing the technology, so only inexperienced investors are developed. There are a number of these schemes running around. The key is the time delay or geographic separation between the required investment and the promised return on investment. Maybe the lack of an extradition treaty between Dubai and the U.S. might have bearing on the next steps.
Keep wearing that tinfoil hat. It prevents the Skylar waves from frying your brain.
Actually met a crazy lady who claimed Wi-Fi was making her ill – she spoke of wearing colander hat.
Quite distracting as was giving a lecture when she piped up full of paranoia!
Nikki Trouble Absolutely horse hockey. Demo it. Transfer only 1 KW (power consumption of 1 toaster) over a simple distance of 1 mile. Otherwise let’s call the FTC and report it as fraud.
If lifestyle isn’t something that is changeable for the better, why aren’t you living in a cave with lice in your hair and worms in your gut?
Brown energy shills and climate change deniers are basically terrified of human progress. They don’t want anything BETTER because they fear anything DIFFERENT.
My post is related to: George comment in this page. (look at:) (George) (April 2, 2020 at 8:43 pm)
Note: some words , (any part of the word, or sentence) my be , or or from the text below by applied to my writing here. Please read my other comments on this page and don’t be confused by its form factor. ________________ It is interesting to analyze response of to George comment . The same text, George posted here, was also posted in their forum-platform.
The entire group of highly recognized members ,(administrator and moderators) decided, that George own comment about his experience with Viziv is to much to their line of critical approach manifested there.
So just by repeating his own article – from that platform was applied to him immediately. -and that was his there. He happened to be a Visitor of Viziv designated by investor to analyze and evaluate Viziv technology in Milford Texas facility.
Level of “scientifically recognized wording” used George comment ,- on that platform was absolutely below any standard acceptable…. Interestingly enough my own writing in that platform is not mentioned at all. As if I didn’t exist or become invisible to that fine group of highly criticizing Viziv honorable individuals. And the question is why? Is it highly cross examination of position listed by me on that they are trying to avoid? (links are posted in my other comments) or it is lack of suitable level of scientifically recognizable skills of examination that makes them insecure? Good question. I have extremely good opinion about Youtube channel of EEVblog. However the is only a shoemaker and nothing above that. He may express his opinion that lies outside of his field of expertise but a that is highly criticizing area of science, – he may not be as good at as other physicists including Dr Corum is not only -not elegant but .
As I was expecting my effort posted above – to explain George visit to Viziv unfortunately -got/ into electronically performed operation of castration from its origin.l form into semi form of informative-castrant . the full test is here : Thank you Wesley for your support Mark.
I have seen this tower on my way to Waco , TX. I knew what it was as soon as I saw it. My first thought was that someone had invested a considerable amount on money into it.
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